

Stomatologic clinical examination is examination of the mouth and teeth. That can be performed on its own as a small clinical examination in case of obvious problems like for example salivating, bad mouth smell, pain chewing solid food etc.).
It also forms part of all clinical examination. We always check the mouth and the teeth before vaccination, during entry exam of puppies and kitten, but also assessing the general state of your pet during any consult.
The price of dental cleaning is often very complicated to estimate, especially on phone without seeing the animal. The reason is that we get the complex idea of the state of your pet’s dentition only while they are under sedation or full anesthesia and we can see and probe all the teeth properly.

At our clinic you can find two stomatological specialists and those are MVDr. Šmírová and MVDr. Dostálová. For dental procedures in small mammals we have MVDr. Ryšavá. You have to make a reservation via email or phone for dental surgery or hygiene, but you don't have to do it when you just want to do a general check up or if you see any acute complication which can be connected with teeth, In that case anyone from the doctors at the clinic can help you. Sometimes we recommend to just bring your pet without a reservation first for a general check up before we make a reservation for the dental surgery. We don't like to join the stomatological procedure with any other surgical procedures, because it itself is very hard and heavy on healing intervention

Anesthesia and everything around it is similar to the information about sterilizations. We always use inahalatio anestesia during stomatological procedures, the patients have to be intubated because of risk of infectious aerosol inhalation and also because of monitoring of breathing. Unfortunately in some cases we find pathological changes on the teeth and in many cases we need to make an X-ray picture to make sure that the root and the structures around are intact.
Some patients can receive antibiotic treatment prior to the dental surgery to heal the mouth, some will receive them after the dental. All the patients receive painkiller not just during the procedure but also as a home medication in form of pills/syrup in order to feel comfortable and have a fast recovery.

In all the middle aged and older patients or critical patients (cardiacs, renal patients, etc) we also recommend blood tests previous to the anesthesia. We can make sure that anesthesia is safe for your pet, just as well as the painkillers and antibiotics after the procedure. We can also recommend to visit a cardiologist for echogardiological examination in case we hear a hearth murmur at the clinical examination.
X-ray pictures might be necessary to make an exact diagnostics, especially which teeth need extraction.
Sutures are placed after extractions, especially multiextractions. That helps to a better healing, lesser bleeding. Inhalation complete anesthesia is always used in multiextractions, monitoring the vital functions. X-ray is often done before or during multiextraction, also antibiotics are usually necessary.  Patients are left on an infusions therapy afterwards to recover well, that is one of the reasons multiextraction prices are higher.

Teeth problems are very common in small mammals. However we are not equipped to deal with all of them. Some dental diseases require further diagnostics like a CT scan, that we don’t have. Basic evaluation of the proper occlusion, teeth overgrowth or less complicated periapical abscesses are definitely in our capabilities to deal with. We always choose inhalation anesthesia. Only in cases when we just tune previous larger procedure, we can lime the incisor teeth in some patients that are very good and cooperate under small sedation or just analgesia.


Stomatology price list

Dental hygiene in general anesthesia without teeth extraction
5 000 - 6 000,- Kč
Dental hygiene in general anesthesia with teeth extraction
6 000 - 8 000,-Kč
Multiextraction in general anesthesia
7 000 - 10 000,- Kč
Dental procedures in small mammals in general anesthesia
2000 - 3000,-Kč
Preoperative biochemical blood test
+950,- Kč